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Our statutes

§1. Name:

The association's official name is: Väsby WildHogs, in everyday speech WildHogs


§2. SEAT:

The association and its board operate in Uppland's Väsby municipality


§3. Purpose:

The association is a non-political supporters' association that will work to support Brödernas/Väsby IK HK and promote our members' support for the club. Väsby WildHogs is a non-profit association whose activities must be organized according to democratic principles. 


§4. Membership:

Membership can be obtained by anyone who is a supporter of Brödernas/Väsby IK HK, membership is granted by Väsby WildHog's board or a person appointed by the board. The board has the right to exclude members who violate Väsby WildHog's statutes. The cost of membership is determined by the board and can be changed at the annual meeting.


§5. Exclusion of member:

Decided by the board and cannot be appealed. A member may be expelled from the association if he opposes the association's purposes or interests or activities, or damages Brödernas/Väsby IK HK's activities or interests. And if the membership fee has not been paid. If sufficient reasons for exclusion do not exist, the board may instead issue a statement to the member.


§6. Member rights:

Members have the right to participate in meetings organized for the members, (at certain meetings "first come, first served" may apply, alt prior booking) the right to receive information about the association's affairs, the right to attend open board meetings and also the right to speak at these meetings, the right to take part in the benefits the association has negotiated for the members, the right to express opinions, the right to propose, the right to attend and the right to vote at the association's annual meeting and extra annual meeting, the right to have their personal data processed in accordance with current legislation, the right to access relevant and up-to-date member information, also targeted information to different geographical areas or age groups. 


§7. Member's obligations:

The member must follow the association's statutes and decisions made by the board, the member must pay the fees decided by the association, the member is not entitled to part of the association's assets in the event of the association's dissolution, the member is obliged to follow the calls and announcements of the association or Brödernas/Väsby IK HK officials, the member may not hand over or lend his membership card to another.


§8. The functioning of the association:

The association has one annual meeting per business year. The board can call an extraordinary annual meeting. The board is also obliged to call an extraordinary annual meeting if at least one-tenth of members entitled to vote or the auditor requests it. At an extra meeting, only the matter that led to the meeting shall be taken up for negotiation. Annual meeting and extra annual meeting must be announced to members at least 3 weeks before the meeting in the invitation, information about what the meeting will contain and how members can raise questions/concerns about the annual meeting/Extra annual meeting.


§9. Board Composition:

The board consists of the chairman and members elected at the annual meeting. The board must consist of at least five members including the chairman. The board appoints a secretary and treasurer from among themselves. After that, the other executives who are needed are elected. If a member lapses, a deputy elected by the annual meeting takes over. If a member resigns before the end of the term of office, a deputy takes his place for the period up to next annual meeting. If the chairman of the board resigns before the end of the term of office, an extra annual meeting must be held to appoint a new chairman. However, if the annual meeting is to be held within four months of the chairman's departure, an extra annual meeting does not need to be held, but an interim chairman may be appointed by the board. Until the interim chairman has been appointed or an extra annual meeting has taken place, the vice chairman shall take the chairman's place. Interim Chairman is called Acting Chairman.


§10. Statutory interpretation

If there is doubt about the interpretation of these statutes, or if cases occur that are not foreseen in the statutes, the matter is referred to the next annual meeting or, in urgent cases, decided by the board. The member undertakes through his membership in the association not to bring an action in general court in relation to the application of these statutes. Disputes about the application of the statutes must instead be decided by the next annual meeting or by the board. If the board has taken decisions as above, the next annual meeting must be informed of these decisions.


§11. Bylaw changes

Bylaws can only be changed at an annual meeting and requires at least two consecutive annual meetings and that at each annual meeting at least 2/3 of those entitled to vote approve the proposed amendment. . A completed proposal for an amendment to the articles of association must be notified to the members no later than 14 days before the annual meeting. Proposals to amend the statutes may be submitted in writing by both the member and the board.


§12. Voting rights at the annual meeting

Members who have paid the membership fee no later than five days before the annual meeting have the right to vote at the meeting. The right to vote is personal and may not be exercised by proxy. Members who do not have voting rights have the right to speak and make proposals at the meeting.


§13. Decisiveness

The meeting is decision-making with the number of members entitled to vote who are present at the meeting, however at least five members entitled to vote. If a quorum is not reached, the annual meeting must be immediately canceled and the board must immediately announce an extra annual meeting to be held within two months. Should quorum according to the first paragraph not be achieved at the extra annual meeting, quorum shall still be deemed fulfilled and the annual meeting can make decisions with binding effect for the association, however not decisions regarding "the association's name" or "dissolution of the association".


§14. Vote

With the exception of those in  "name of the association" and "dissolution of the association" mentioned cases are decided by voting all questions by simple majority. Simple majority can be either absolute or relative. Elections are decided by relative majority. Relative majority means that the person(s) who received the highest number of votes is elected (elected) regardless of how these votes relate to the number of votes cast. Decisions on matters other than elections require an absolute majority, which means more than half of the votes cast. Voting takes place openly. However, if a member entitled to vote requests it, the election must be concluded. In the case of a vote that does not concern an election, in the event of an equal number of votes, the proposal supported by the chairman at the meeting applies, if the chairman is entitled to vote. If the chairman is not entitled to vote, the lottery decides. In the case of an election, in the event of an equal number of votes, the lottery shall decide.


§15. Auditor

The auditors have the right to continuously take part in the association's accounts, annual meeting and board minutes and other documents. The auditor has the right to participate in board meetings. The auditors must be independent of those they have to audit. The association's accounts must be available to the auditors no later than one month before the annual meeting. The auditors must review the board's administration and accounts for the most recent business and financial year and submit an audit report to the board no later than 14 days before the annual meeting


§16. Decision-making bodies

The association's highest decision-making body is the annual meeting, which elects the board for the coming financial year. Between two annual meetings, the board is responsible for decisions for the movement's operations.


§17. Dissolution of the association

A decision to dissolve the association can only be made by an ordinary annual meeting or by an extra-convened annual meeting for the sake of the matter with at least 2/3 of the number of votes cast.

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